Tiger picture

I drew a tiger today.  I love Walk the Wilderness blog.    They always take beautiful pictures of animals.  I saw this tiger just standing there, with it’s back to the camera.  I really liked it, so I thought, I will draw that on my calendar.  Now my drawing in not exactly like the picture, there was not enough room in my square on the calendar.

This is day 16 picture.

I went to the store today and bought some paint so I  painted this one with paint.

Yesterday I drew this picture from a shampoo bottle.  It is watermelon shampoo and it has this dog with some watermelon.   I used color pencil, markers, and puff paint on this one.


This is the calendar so far.  The 8th one, I painted over.  I drew a picture and my son hated it.  So I covered it over. When I first started the calendar drawings, I just scribbled the pictures on there.  No I take it off the wall and do a better job.  I am not going to draw a picture tomorrow.  I already wrote on that space months ago.

Author: Connie T

I love to make videos, cooking ones and legos ones. I like to draw and paint and make crafts and read blogs. I have a Nikon D80. I also use my new Canon Rebel. I don't really notice not much difference in pictures between the Nikon D80 but I bought for the video use. You can not use Nikon to make a video, it is not on the camera.

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