
Yesterday, my son walked into the door after school, threw down his backpack and said “Goodbye, I am going for a walk.” He has started this going for a walk exercise routine. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago to get my blood pressure checked. The doctor told me to start exercising for 30 mintues a day. I told him that I do park in the very back of parking lots and walk to the stores and I go shopping everyday and walk a lot in the stores. He said that does not count “Get out and exercise.” So yesterday I said “Wait, let me put on my shoes and I will go for a walk with you.” He said he wanted to go alone, so I said “Go ahead, I am going for a walk by myself.” Then my husband said he was going to go, so he went and put on his shoes. When I stepped outside, the sun was shining and it was warm, so I just put on a sweater. My son decided he would walk with us. He should have gone ahead because he like to run and walk. There is a walking path in this field by the apartments here. We started to walk on it. When we got to the end of the path, the sun went away, it go cloudy and cold.

My husband’s feet were hurting him, so he was walking pretty slow, at times. He does not like his shoes. I had that problem until I found the right shoes. Shoes make a big difference. I saw this tree while walking that has these big fuzzy things on them. I don’t know if they are flowers or what, but they look really neat. (see picture at the top.) The branch that holds the big red fuzzy thing is furry and when you touch it, it is very soft and fuzzy. I want on of those trees when I buy a house.

We walked for 30 minutes and went home. I was cold by the time I got home. Tonight I will wear a coat for my walk.

Author: Connie T

I love to make videos, cooking ones and legos ones. I like to draw and paint and make crafts and read blogs. I have a Nikon D80. I also use my new Canon Rebel. I don't really notice not much difference in pictures between the Nikon D80 but I bought for the video use. You can not use Nikon to make a video, it is not on the camera.

10 thoughts on “Walk”

  1. Shoes are the secret. With a comfortable pair of shoes you can walk all day (perhaps not quite..) That plant is interesting, I wonder what it is. Did you know you can search images on Google by uploading an image. It might be worth trying.

    Read and be read ExposeYourBlog!


  2. All the best with your walking. I try to walk daily too. I feel SO much better when I really push myself. Hope your blood pressure improves too.


    1. I need motivation to get walking. I was so tired and had a headache today, that I didn’t go today. I think the medicine makes me sleepy. That was a side effecton the sheet with the medicine.


  3. It looks like the Sumac bush. We ahve them here in Ontario and they are beautiful, especially in the fall when the leaves turn red. I love the look of that path. Keep up the walking… it is worth it. A few years ago I started walking and worked up to walking in a half marathon last May. that is 13 miles (21 km)


  4. Walking is a good way to keep ourselves fit. It’s also a great time to think, to relax, to empty our minds, to listen to our favorite music. It’s a fun way to burn calories…also it may be an opportunity to take interesting photos. Stay blessed always…


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