
We were staying by a pond at the RV park we were staying in. My son took the dog out to go potty. He come running in the motorhome. “A snake out there started chasing our dog and bit her.” My husband ran out with my son to see the snake. It was a big snake. It opened it’s mouth and it was all white. It was a cottonmouth. Very poisonous. We checked out the dog, she was not bit it just lunged at her. We told the office that we wanted to change spaces so they gave us one away from the pond.
Then it rained buckets for a few days from a big storm. The area behind us filled up with water but it did not flood us out. I love the refections on the water though. I walked around by the pond and there were a lot of beautiful birds, ones with long necks and red curved beaks. They would fly away when I got close.

Bears and Panthers….oh my.

IMG_0309 (1) I have moved to Fort Myers, FL. It is tropical. I got tired of the cold. I don’t want to be in snow. I want to grow oranges. I hated climbing stairs in my 2 story house. The altitude in Reno, NV is 4,500 feet. I could not bake bread. I bought a bread machine and tried baking 3 loaves of bread. They did not bake very well.
I bought a brand new house. It is a one story. I hopefully move into it next week. The closing day is Wednesday,hopefully. They said tentively, maybe or maybe not. Who knows why.
I was driving on a road and I kept seeing Panther crossing signs. In Reno I saw horses crossing signs. Now it is Panther. The house we bought is out in a forest area. I asked the superintendent when we were walking the house. You have to walk it one week before you move in. “Is there Panthers and bears out here?” He said “Yes and wild boars that are dangerous too.”
I told my husband that we have to put up a fence. I don’t want to take out my dog to go do her you know, and then all of the sudden a panther runs up and takes my dog and runs off with her. And me all screaming but not running after her because I don’t want to be eaten by a panther. Besides I can’t run very well.
If you don’t believe me look up Panther takes cat in driveway in Florida on Youtube. I watched it because I asked Google on my phone “Is there really panther in Florida.” Yes there is, they are brown tan and look like mountain lions but they are called Florida Panther. Then it had a link to the video. The video shows this panther running up and grabbing a kitty cat and walking away with the cat. I was tramatized by that video. The cat hardly ever goes outside and it went out and was sitting in the driveway and boom, kitty was gone in the mouth of a Panther. So upsetting. Poor kitty.

We are living in our motorhome right now just waiting to move into our house.
I have to sit and think about my safety in my home with bears, alligators, panthers, wild boars and snakes possibly being in my back yard. It will be OK…….I hope.

If we were having coffee March 18th

I have started drinking instant coffee.I love Nescafe Tasters choice, House Blend. They have a new tall jar. I love the shape. I bought it because I wanted to jar to put my paint brushes in. I opened the jar and the coffee smelled so good. I made a cup of coffee and my husband said the coffee smelled so good that he made a cup. He then bought a jar for him so I could have the jar for more paint brushes. I put the coffee in a different jar and washed it and now it is a home for my paint brushes. I am in the process of painting a red poppie painting.
This is my art area.
See the jars of paint brushes, that is the coffee jars. Anyway, I like creamer in my coffee. I have tried every coffee in the grocery store. I have tried percolators, Those coffee pods by Kurieg. Mr Coffee, but I really like the instant coffee and I got one of those pots that boil water in a minute. So that is fast and I only have to clean the coffee cup.
Let me tell you about the wild horses that came to the yard next door a couple of days ago. Two of them were laying down in the grass sleeping. I got my camera and took pictures. I ran in the house to see if I had carrots. I did not, so I got a piece of bread. I went out and threw the bread by a horse. He smelled it, took a bite and then jumped up and was like “What the heck was that.”
The other horse got up and sniffed the bread and walked off. They hated it. I did’nt know. I have been camping and the deer eat bread and marshmallow and beg for anything. Horses are like “Don’t be giving me that crap lady.” They were by their self. They must have left the big group I usually see. They walked off, I took a picture as they walked off.
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It snowed about 10″ in my yard. I don’t like the snow or the cold anymore. We sold our house so I have to pack everything and put it in storage. We are moving to Florida. I don’t know where we will live yet. We will be living in our motorhome.
Here is the link to join in the coffee share.

This is the rocks I have painted.

So far I have painted 4 rocks. I painted the one with a rooster for a friend. I sent it to him. It cost $7.15 just to send it. I don’t think I will be sending rocks to people anymore. But he is sick and I wanted to cheer him up. It cost less than flowers to send. This is what I painted. After my friend saw it she asked me to paint her a rock. I am going to paint a heart with dots. It is called a mandella rock. Not sure how that will turn out, but I found a heart shaped rock. She has been my friend for 43 years. I can’t turn her down.


I then painted two small rocks for Christmas. You paint the head on one and the body on a little bit bigger rock. I painted Santa. I love it. It is only 3″ long. You can put magnets on the back and  put them on your fridge.


I count that as 2 rocks. The next rock I love. I make it spooky. I found a rock and painted it like a book. I painted an eye and put puff paint for the blood tear coming out of the eye. I used colored pencil to color in the front of the book. I will show more as I do them.


I looked for rocks.

I am laying in bed. I just woke up.  All snuggled up in my new soft sheets I got at Costco. They had them on sale for $12.99 one day. It is 56 degrees outside, a little chilly. It rained last night. I watched the big puffy grey clouds cover the sky. Bolts of bright lighting would flash across the skyline. Bright and big, zigzag to the ground. Then a loud crack, rumble of thunder. My dog would start to bark at the noise. It was quite a show. I got my camera to take a picture but lighting is to fast to take a picture. I just started to record it. Maybe  I can get a picture from that of the bolt of lightning.

Yesterday we went to a place that sells rocks. My husband got out of the car and went in the office to see if we could get some rocks to paint. I have cancer. From the chemo treatments it made my hair fall out. It also screws up the nerves in your legs and feet. It kind of makes my feet numb and burn. It feels like I am walking on blocks of wood full of needles. My hair is growing back a little, it is about 1/4″ long. It looks like peach fuzz.

So I slowly walk  in the door of the rock office. I tell the guy that I want a couple of river rocks to paint. I would pay for some, how much? He said “Take what you want, no charge. Wow, he was so nice. He probably looked at bald me and felt sorry for me. People are really nice to me. We drove over to the big rocks. It was very muddy and my husband said he would look for a rock, I had to stay in the car. He didn’t want me falling on the rocks. I sat there saying “Get that one, the light tan one sitting on the grey rocks.” . He found it but it was cracked. He found me four rocks. He got a big round one. He wants me to paint a pumpkin rock.

I told my husband to drive up the mountain on Geiger grade road. I told him to stop at this little pull out. He pulled over. There were pretty colorful rocks. He got out of the car and found a nice flat white rock with red copper veins through it. It is square shaped. It might make a nice rock to paint on. We then drove home. I later got some paper and drew some pictures. I practice drawing to make sure I can draw a picture on a rock. Here is a couple of pictures I drew. I have been trying to draw a chicken so I can draw it good on a rock I want to paint. I am sending it to a blogger friend who is sick, to cheer him up.


I just wanted to draw a cat, so I did. I might paint one on a rock. I put a hold at the library on painting animals on rocks. This one guy on the internet paints cats and dogs and birds on rocks and get hundreds of dollars for them.


I liked this abstract rock, so I drew it. I might paint that on a rock if I find one shaped like that.


I met an internet friend today for breakfast. She is in town so we met downtown and ate at a buffet. It was so nice meeting her. I have read her blog for years. We talked for 2 hours. It was wonderful meeting her. I am so happy to have met her. Thank you Annie for meeting me.


I had a delicious Banana crepe with caramel on top with whipped cream. So good.



Mama bird

I have a pine tree I planted in my front yard. It is in the center of my yard. I planted it 4 years ago and it is growing big and green. There is a bird, I think it is a Morning Dove sitting in it. Sitting in a nest she built. Not up high in the tree, in fact I can walk right up to it. I saw 2 eggs in the nest when she flew away. Every time I look, she is laying on the eggs. I took a couple of pictures of her.


Then today I went out and took her picture.


Maybe I will see baby birds soon.

Specific: Steam

The Daily post is all about Specific.

Yesterday we drove to Carson City, NV. The mountains all around us is white and beautiful. It looked like a Christmas card scene.

I saw this one mountain letting off steam. A big cloud of it was going into the sky, making clouds.


To be specific, this is a volcano. Steamboat Springs is a volcanic field of rhyolitic lava domes located 20 km SSE of Reno, Nevada. It is between 2.5 and 1.1 million years old and consists of lava domes and flows.
There are no recent eruptions, but it is hydrothermally very active.

It steams all the time but it really shows up when it is cold, like in Yellowstone. I think the power company traps the steam to make power.