Weekend coffee share 4/23/2016

It is time for Weekend coffee share.

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If we were having coffee I would have to tell you about my obsession with flashlights. It is not an obsession……really. I just like to buy them. I use them at night to see what time it is or when I get up in the dark in my motorhome. Sometimes we go to campgrounds with no electricity, so I use flashlights for light so I don’t run the vehicle battery down. Maybe I am reincarnated from a caveman at the beginning of time who stumbled around in the dark and says “I need light.” The thing is though, flashlights stop working for me. I bought a pack of 3 good flashlights at Costco, Duracell metal ones. I used one and in about 1 week it just went black and will not turn back on. All 3 of them did that. That totally sucked. Harbor Freight gives away flashlights. They have a coupon if you buy something you get a flashlight. I have lots of those. I stopped doing that because I don’t need anything from there.They do have great dog beds for $8. They always give 20% off coupons to use for one item. I got some dog clippers and dog beds from there.

I buy chicken from Sam’s club in a big pack. It is $1.88 a pound. I take home the chicken and seal it in those sealer bags. I used to buy the refills at the store and those are so expensive. I looked on Amazon and they have 11″ x 50′ vacuum sealer bags for $20.54 for two rolls. They don’t fit in the sealer but it is so easy to just get a paper cutter and cut them yourself. I measure out 9 inches and cut it and seal the end and them put the chicken in the bag and seal it.

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These bags work great. They are not as not as thick as the Foodsaver bags but they work great for freezing chicken or steak.


I watched Wolfgang Puck on HSN. I have wanted his battery operated salt and pepper grinders but never buy them. I told my husband the next time I saw them on HSN I would buy them. I ordered them as soon as I saw Wolfgang using them. I didn’t call in this time either, I just ordered them on the computer. It is much faster than calling on the phone to order. Then I saw him selling a little rice cooker. I got one in orange. That is the color my son wanted. They came in so many pretty colors. It was on sale for $19.95. They always sell out of everything he sells on Home Shopping. I got it for my son because it will be easy for him to come home from school and make a serving of rice. He love rice. He is wanting to learn how to cook food. Wolfgang was using the rice cooker to cook lots of stuff with. He made mac n cheese with it. I watched how he made it and I am going to make mac n cheese in the rice cooker. You can even cook cake in it. I am going to try that, just to see how it comes out. Cake in a rice cooker…..who knew.

I just got them delivered. I am so excited to use them. They are nice.


I also ordered some of the knives he had. I got them for my motorhome. After that I stopped watching him because it makes you want to order everything he has.


The Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Part Time Monster.  You can join this week’s Coffee Share on her blog or by clicking on the “Linkup Linky“.

Author: Connie T

I love to make videos, cooking ones and legos ones. I like to draw and paint and make crafts and read blogs. I have a Nikon D80. I also use my new Canon Rebel. I don't really notice not much difference in pictures between the Nikon D80 but I bought for the video use. You can not use Nikon to make a video, it is not on the camera.

22 thoughts on “Weekend coffee share 4/23/2016”

  1. Thank you for sharing! Flashlights are great! I use one when walking through the dark house at night – so I don’t trip over our dogs! I have a small one that is a 511 Tactical ATAC PLx.


    1. If I had the 511 flashlight it would quit working. I buy nice flashlights and they all stop working for me. I now buy $1 flashlights. I have tried them all, they all stop working.


    1. I bought one but my husband unplugged it. Said it was too bright. I don’t like light in the room when I am sleeping and those stay on all night. I have them in the restroom and hallway but it does not light up the stairway very good.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We have the Wolfgang Puck large grill with reversible griddle. It’s our second one and we absolutely love it. The first one lasted for YEARS! 🙂 Hmm, you must tell me about your battery operated salt and pepper grinders. Never heard of those. Sounds interesting! 🙂


  3. Viva la Harbor Freight! (As long as I keep in mind… you get what you pay for). And I can always find something to buy so I can use their “free stuff” coupon.



  4. First of all, I am very impressed with your thrifty nature. I feel we are kindred spirits! The rice cooker looks really cool too. Who knew they could be used for so many purposes (Well, Wolfgang Puck did, obviously! 😊) My son enjoys cooking too. Actually, he enjoys eating (he is a very active 20 year old) so cooking is a by product! Hope you have better luck with your next batch of flashlights…you could channel your inner pioneer and use a lantern instead?! Thanks for the coffee.


    1. My son is 18. He love the slow cooker chicken with potatoes and carrots. We just had it like 3 days ago but he asked me to make it again today but with more carrots and potatoes. He loves carrots. I bought some small organic carrots and he wants like 20 or them. I made him peel the carrots and potatoes. The slower cooker is so full of potatoes and carrots now. I put the recipe on my blog if you want to look for it. I think it is slow cooker chicken with fresh orange juice. It tastes really good. My son would eat that every day if he could. I don’t want it everyday though.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My son is moving into off campus housing with some friends in June. Maybe I should get them a slow cooker as a house warming gift!
        Your chicken sounds yummy. I will have to go check the recipe.


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